- In loving memory of when I gave a shit.
Encontrei várias frases encantadas... se te esqueceste porque motivo me odeias, estás com sorte, vou-te dar mais algumas razões.
Um dia vais acordar e reparar que devias ter tentado. Eu valia o esforço.
Nobody taught you to fight for what you fucking love?
2 Words, 1 Finger.
I´ve lost my ability to give a damn. If found, no need to return it. Go ahead and keep it and see if it works for you.
I really do miss what we almost had. You become something you said you´d never be.
Think whatever you like of me, if it helps you sleep at night. In the end I get to keep my integrity while you feed of your own bullshit to stay alive.
Sometimes I miss you. Then I remember the shit you put me through and I´m like "Fuck this shit".
To anyone who has ever made me feel like my best wasn´t good enough.. Fuck you!!!
Sometimes I hate myself, but most of the times, I hate what you have done to me.
For a second there, I thought you actually loved me.
Things have changed. I no longer give a fuck.
I wasn´t born with enough middle fingers.